Global Parliamentarians’ Inquiry for a Fossil-Free Amazon

The Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future, using the Global Parliamentarians Inquiry into the Progress of Fossil Fuels Phase Out as a take off point, is undertaking a Global Parliamentarians’ Inquiry for a Fossil-Free Amazon.

The Inquiry aims to:

Leverage the influence of parliamentarians to investigate progress in the phase out of fossil fuels, specifically oil and gas, in the Amazon region, and explore opportunities for the phase in of renewable energy systems, in a just and equitable manner.


  • Raise public attention and awareness on the urgent call for the  protection of the Amazon, specifically  the need to stop the expansion of the fossil fuel industry.

  • Collect, synthesize and publicly share information, analyses and recommendations from experts, stakeholders and parliamentarians regarding the current situation and the risks that come with the fossil fuel industry’s plans for expansion. In the same way, explore the opportunities that renewable energy has in the region.

  • In the process, generate pressure on Amazonian governments, public institutions and corporations to scale up commitments and protection actions to stop the expansion of the fossil fuel industry in the region.

The Global Inquiry Committee

  • Célia Xakriabá, Member of Parliament of Brazil

  • Ivan Valente, Member of Parliament of Brazil

  • Livia Duarte, Member of Parliament of Brazil

  • Ruth Luque, Member of Parliament of Peru

  • Sigrid Bazan, Member of Parliament of Peru

  • Andrés Cancimance López, Member of Parliament of Colombia

  • Juan Carlos Lozada, Member of Parliament of Colombia

  • Cecilia Requena, Senator of Bolivia

  • Jahiren Noriega, Member of Parliament of Ecuador

  • Rosa Galvez, Senator of Canada


Schedule and Topics of the Global Inquiry

  • This launch will be held back to back with the Fourth Public Hearing on the Global Parliamentarians’ Inquiry into the Progress of Fossil Fuels Phase Out, on the sidelines of the G7 Apulia summit.

  • This official launch will coincide with the first-year anniversary of Ecuador's popular consultation vote to stop and ban oil exploitation in Yasuní National Park in the Amazon.

  • (CBD COP16) This hearing will assess the current situation of oil and gas extraction in the Amazon and the industry’s expansion plans.

  • (UNFCCC COP29) This hearing will assess the private and public finance that are supporting the expansion of the fossil fuel industry in the Amazon.

  • This hearing will assess the consistency of national climate plans (National Adaptation Plans, legislation, NDCs) of the Amazon countries.

  • This hearing will focus on protecting the rainforest for renewable energy generation and deploying renewable energy for rainforest protection.

  • This hearing is about international mechanisms of cooperation to protect the Amazon from extractive industries.

  • (UNFCCC COP30) Presentation of the final report in different forums that involve political and parliamentary attention and across the key countries in the Amazon.